Power Bank 300
A great entry-level product

The kit includes 200W of solar panels 1kW internal battery storage, all mounting and connection equipment to get you powered up. Power Bank 300 is a self contained solar power system with storage and is ‘everything you need in one box!’. The plug-and-play system is really easy to set-up and any customer can install it without the need of an electrician or solar installer.
This is a great entry entry-level product for people who want to get into solar but are not quite sure on what equipment they need. It’s a simple to use system and once its installed you can draw power (AC or DC) to run TVs, computers, lights, fans and any other utility within its operating limits.
The unit can power a mixed load of up to 300W and a battery storage of 1000W. The unit is equipped with temperature control and overload protection while each battery card is protected by a PCM card. The Power Bank 300 can operate at any time of the day and be set to ‘automatic’ mode where it operates only in night or when power is required It can either operate 24hrs or be set in the UPS mode where it operates only in night or where power cuts out.
Do it yourself solar kit with our plug and play off-grid system. Have FREE electricity when you need it without the need of an electrician. The Power Bank is charged by the sunand stores enough power to run a TV for hours off a single charge!

The Power Bank can be bundled with our 32” AC TV and / or a 16” oscillating stand fan which the system can run either individually for 20 hours, or together for up to 10 hours.

The Power Bank 300 includes
Lithium battery pack 1kWh
Built-in inverter 230V or 110V and 12V output
Lithium battery digital charge controller
x2 100W solar panels
Solar panel fixing kit, cables & connectors