Minor firmware upgrade
Reason for the upgrade:-
1- We have improved the communication when connecting multi / Paralleling inverters Together.
2- when Using AGM batteries sometimes the engineer sets the discharge level too low less than 42v most people know this can damage your battery and inverter. we have added some additional code to protect the inverter in this sort of situation.
3- Again when using AGM batteries The active battery setting, which is purely an emergency setting Being used to recover battery is set at two lower discharge level.
As pointed out in our manual take care not to let the battery discharge is lower than 40% of its capacity as this will massively shorten the life of your AGM battery. Also take care on the C rating of the battery I’d suggest on most AGM battery array use a C rating is 0.1.
Do I need to do the upgrade
If You have a system with more than one inverter and you’re using agm batteries, Would recommend you do the firmware upgrade. To xx37 and xx70
If you want to upgrade your inverter please email CNsupport@globaltech-china.com With your data logger number and inverter number.
Also the new Sunsynk UI has some very nice additions including multi language system flowchart, Switchable Earth bond and many other features.
Keith Gough, I would like to invite you to join a solar PV facebook group in South Africa. We have nearly 5000 members and more and more of them are using the Sunsynk range. Will be great to have you on board for some of the technical questions. The group is Solar PV South Africa. Please answer the questions. No advertising allowed but technical assistance will be fantastic. Many thanks Shane